Kayce Hughlett Kayce Hughlett

Welcome to the Greenhouse

It all begins with an idea.

Each garden has its own beginning. It may be a plan, an idea, or a seedling. In this space, we invite you to offer your vision of a plot in the Garden of Old Bones.

What ideas are sprouting for you? Would you like to start a book club? Hear a speaker share their opinions or expertise about conscious eldering? Learn something new that someone in this community might be able to teach?

Please leave your ideas, suggestions, or questions in the comments below, so they can germinate here in the Greenhouse.

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Kayce Hughlett Kayce Hughlett

New Reflections on Old Letters

Reflections on letters from the past

I had a lovely conversation with Jana Jopson recently. We were meandering through a discussion of our various pursuits and passions. At some point, the subject of old letters came up; Iā€™m not sure how we got there. Jana noted that she had a new appreciation for letters she received from her mother, now deceased. It seems a rich topic for us as Elders to explore.

If you have old letters and an interest in having us call a Circle to explore them, let us know here.

Elle Dooley

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