Your membership in the Garden of Old Bones serves as your consent to abide by the following Agreements.
The use of agreements allows all members to have a free and profound exchange, to respect a diversity of views, and to share responsibility for the well-being and direction of the group. Agreements often used include:
• We hold all stories or personal material in confidentiality
• We listen to each other with compassion and curiosity
• We ask for what we need and offer what we can
• We agree that circle leaders will watch our need, timing and energy. We agree to pause at a signal when we feel the need to pause
Responsibility is shared for the quality of experience
Leadership rotates among all group members
Reliance is on wholeness, rather than on any personal agenda
Speak with intention, noting what has relevance to the conversation in the moment
Listen with attention: respectful of the learning process for all members of the group
Tend to the well-being of the circle: remaining aware of the impact of our contributions